Returning Soon
The Unfolding Tale will be returning with new and exciting stories for you to explore. Be sure to check back soon.

History of An Unfolding Tale
Back around 2008, An Unfolding Tale was launched as an experimental fantasy fiction, with individual scenes released in a blog-like format that "unfolded" over time. It was designed to be read online, including certain non-linear reading options.
The narrative formed the foundation of the Varkas Chronicles, and characters such as Avendor Tarcoth, Tiberius Alaran, Shaydra Li Runne and even the enigmatic Ravenwalker have gone on to play leading roles in stories like In the Tower of the Witching Tree and The Melding Thief, or to star in The Riven Realm series.
But that hardly means that the concept of An Unfolding Tale is dead. The concept of experimental fiction remains a fascinating one, and there are plans to relaunch this experience with news stories and characters.